So, I started writing.
And I'm going to admit, the first few years were absolute rubbish. Most of it was ideas taken from books or tv shows or games that I was playing and thinly adjusted to meet my story. I still have these "books", handwritten on stacks of notebooks, in my closet, just in case I ever want to read how absolutely terrible I was at it.
Anywho, over the past 15 years I feel that my work has improved greatly. Before I picked up my 2nd job I was working on tweaking what had been a short-ish story into a full blown novel, but without the time to work on it, that has really taken a backseat. I want to get back to tweaking it and finally get it out to publishers, but at this point I'm going to have to wait until next year.
Now, the reason for this post. Once in a while I have ideas float through my head that sound like they would make for a solid story. Sometimes they just float on by, unrecorded, but other times they like to stick around until I get at least the core of an idea written down.
While the wife and I were on vacation, I had one of these seeds land in my brain and stick there. It wasn't anything near a fully formed idea, with barely a plot and just the most basic of character ideas, but it stuck. And sat there for about a week, just rolling around and causing irritation. Until last night.
While watching TV, this nugget of an idea seemed to grab some extra parts as I watched a new TV show and seemed to sprout enough extra material for at least a general plot outline. It's still nowhere near a fully formed plot, but now this idea has some solid mass to it and hopefully I'll get some time to at least write down an outline and some characters so that when I do have time, I can fully flesh this idea out.
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