Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ah the irony

So for the last few months, basically since I took over as the Store Manager, my VZW Indirect Store has been slightly overstaffed. Not heavily overstaffed to the point where no one is making any money, but overstaffed to the point where we often had too many people working most of the time.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, my UPS area has been chronically understaffed (as I mentioned in my previous post) and I had been trying to convince my full-time supervisor to get me more people.

Now, coming back from vacation, I find the situations reversed. My UPS area has more people than I technically need (but I'm not telling anyone there that fact) and I just had 2 employees yanked from my VZW store so I'm down to me and 1 other person.

The reasons for the reversal: at UPS we're hiring hand over fist in preparation for Peak (a glorious 2-3 week period where our volume triples and we move everyone's Christmas goodies). On the other hand, the Indirect Agent I work for just took over 5 new stores in the surrounding area and now we need staff to handle those positions.

So while my 25hrs per week at UPS should prove relatively painless, at least through the end of November, I've got about 1 week to get some staff hired and another week or two to train them before Black Friday and the Christmas shopping season. The fact that most of the applicants I get aren't qualified to fight their way out of a wet paperbag is unfortunate, but I might just have to suck it up and deal.

Such is life I guess.

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